

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Is #AlexFromTarget Fake?

The phrase "Alex From Target" trended on Twitter when a photo of a Target worker named Alex was posted on the social media site. What was so special about it? It's just a simple photo of a young, cute kid bagging the groceries. But for some reason, it caught the attention of the world, and gained Alex over 524,000 followers. He even got a special mention (and a guesting) from Ellen!

But hold your horses. There are murmurs going around that #AlexFromTarget could be a fake!

Perez Hilton has this report:

Apparently, a company called Breakr claims to be behind the viral phenomenon. Their intent was to manipulate teens by giving them an attractive person to idolize, and it really worked…maybe!

Even Target supported the sensation, but the retailer denies having anything to do with the it. The strange thing is, the Twitter user who first posted Alex Christopher Laboeuf's picture claims she just got the photo from Tumblr and has never even heard of Breakr.

I wonder what the real score on this kid is.


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