

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Brad Pitt's "Breakdance Conversation" with Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon had an interesting moment Brad Pitt on his show. They taped a "breakdance conversation," a dance showdown with no words (just subtitles).

The video starts with Jimmy Fallon turning on his boom box and dancing in the basement. As it turns out, Brad Pitt is in the vicinity and shows off dancing moves of his own! Let the dance battle begin!

The two take turns trying to outdo each other, just using body language to communicate. "Brad?" Fallon acts out by dancing. The movie star replies with a good spin, "Hey, Jimmy! How's it going?"
The exchange goes on for a few minutes, until Brad Pitt says, "This might sound a little crazy, but do you want to do a double breakdance?"

I just love watching these videos!


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When Your Boyfriend Prefers to Stay Inside His Closet 

Open Relationships: Salvation or Doom 

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