

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Chris Brown's Ebola Tweet Met With Furious Fan Responses

Oh no he didn't!

It looks like Chris Brown forgot his common sense somewhere when he sent out this Tweet to this 13.7 million followers:

"I don't know ... but I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control. S**t is getting crazy bruh."
image courtesy of

I was speechless when I first saw this. I mean, what was he thinking? Was he trying to sound smart (sorry, failed), or was he just thinking out loud (kinda makes us wonder what else is lurking in that head of his).

The response of netizens was immediate and furious. I don't think there was a single positive reaction to what he sent out. Responses like "You're not a smart person ... at all," and "You believe this based on what evidence? Oh yeah, none" -- and "Why morons gotta be famous?" spread like wildfire online.

This fan reaction must have reach Chris as he recanted his statement a few minutes later by saying: "Let me shut my black ass up!" But obviously, the damage has been done.


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