

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Donates $25M For Ebola Cure!

It brings joy to my heart every time I see ultra rich people donate to charity or to a good cause. It's even more special if the person donating is not necessarily perceived as a do-gooder or philanthropist by the whole world. I mean Mark Zuckerberg has probably done a lot of good things in his life, but I somehow look at him and remember the scenes of that movie made about Facebook.

So anyway, Mark just made a huge donation to help fight Ebola. $25million. Talk about making a statement!
image courtesy of

Read the full report here:

Mark Zuckerberg is going all Bill Gates .... giving a massive amount of money to help fight the world's biggest health crisis ... Ebola.

Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla just donated $25M to the Centers for Disease Control Foundation ... he says he wants to stop the epidemic from becoming a long-term crisis like HIV or polio.

Zuckerberg said the infusion of $$$ is the fastest way to get help to frontline responders, saying "These people are on the ground setting up care centers training local staff, identifying Ebola cases and much more."

So far ... Ebola has killed 4,000 and infected more than twice that number of people. Some health care officials are calling the Ebola outbreak the biggest health crisis in modern times.

I sure hope this amount helps find an antidote so we can all be spared of a worldwide pandemic.


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