

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mariah Carey's "Tour of Terror"

Mariah Carey is at it again, and this time during her concert in China. While some "fashion experts" would say that this is a "hit," I think a majority of the world's population would think otherwise.

It looks like something that she wore 20 years ago or something. But that's just me.

image courtesy of reports:

This is Mariah Carey's latest tour outfit as she continues her musical assault on China, and even though it covers a bit more (I dunno, does it? You tell us), it's still just as awful and unflattering and kind of distracting from what people are actually there to see -- or, in this case, hear: Mariah's singing. 

Hurting or not, 'Riah, we're going to have to file this one under "hot mess." You've been through this kind of business before -- it's not as if you don't know better after 2 marriages and 44 years on this planet. Buck up, girl, OK? You're a whole lot better than this. 


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