

Monday, October 13, 2014

What's That Between Mariah Carey's Legs? #CamelToe

What the heck is that thing between Mariah Carey's legs?

In a recent show in China, Mariah was photographed in this golden dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. Tabloids call it a "sad and desperate move" on the diva's part. It could be a wardrobe malfunction, but judging on Mariah's personal clothing taste she probably meant to wear something really skimpy.
image courtesy of had this to say:

Guys, there's nothing sadder than desperation ... nothing. Well, there are, but in this particular case regarding Mariah Carey and her coochie-cutting ... whatever that is under that unfortunately abbreviated excuse of a skirt, there is nothing sadder than desperation. 

This is the case with Mariah at a recent show in China, and if we're being honest, it sort of seems like she's trying to pull the "single and ready to mingle 'cause hawt" routine that most teenagers try to pull after they've endured a big, important breakup, but no, Mariah. Just no. You're better than this, right? Aren't you?

Verdict: Leave it. Oh God, leave it and never think about it again. 

Agree or disagree?


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